I read a blog post recently by a woman who was experiencing knee pain when she ran. She set about to self diagnose the cause of her pain and the treatment. She use the Runners World Where Does It Hurt guide (which is a pretty cool injury diagnosis tool by the way) to determine her pain was caused by osteoarthritis which is a degeneration of the cartilage, along with IT (Illiotibial) Band pain.
Further research led her to a treatment plan. She also smartly adopted a prevention element into her plan. Her plan involves tretching and strengthening exercises, along with compression and warmth to the area to increase circulation and healing.
She purchased a knee compression sleeve to wear during her runs which she said took some getting used but helped tremendously. She also added a Jillian Michaels workout to her plan to help strengthen the area and prevent further injury.
Her plan sounds solid, especially the proactive elements of stretching and strengthening. She should also consider using ice therapy for 20 minutes after her runs to reduce the inflammation to the area. If she used a knee ice wrap she could apply the ice therapy while she could ice her knee without having sit or lie down for 20 minutes.
You can read her post here.
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